Monday 2 November 2015


Outer Pastry (water-oil dough):
220g Low Protein Flour,
30g HP flour,
40g butter,
10g sugar,
125ml water
1/2 tsp salt

Inner Pastry (oil dough):
Pastry Margarine (170g)

*plus extra flour for dusting work surface
1. outer pastry: combine sifted flour and sugar together. Rub in butter until mixture resembles course bread crumbs. Add in water to form a soft & shine dough. Wrap or cover the dough and chill for 20 mins.

2. inner pastry: On a parchment paper, fold a 30x18cm square parchment paper into half to make a 10cm/4" square. Fold over the 3 open sides of the rectangle with enclosed sides.  Crease folds firmly, this will be the guide for the roll in butter.

3. Laminate: unwrap dough and roll out on a lightly floured surface. Roll out dough into a rectangle size. Put margarine (oil dough) in the one side. Press seam together with fingertips. Brush off excess flour. With rolling pin, press firmly on each open end of packet( top and bottom) to seal edges.

4. Roll out lengthwise into a 10 x 6" rectangle. Fold into fourth like a business letter. Wrap and chill in fridge for 30 mins.

5. Then flatten dough with rolling pin and roll out to rectangle size. Fold in fourth like a letter, as above. Wrap and chill again in fridge for 20 mins.

6. Last folding: flatten dough with rolling pin and roll out to rectangle size. Fold in third like a letter. Wrap and chill again in fridge for 20 mins.

1. 所有材料混合在一起揉成光滑的面团后放在保鲜袋里放进冰箱冷藏松弛20分钟

2. 烘焙纸折成正方形,把牛油放入,使用手压成/擀成正方形。


4. 把擀成长方形的面皮象叠被子一样的折成四折 (第1次四折),折好后表面抹一层薄粉防粘,然后用保鲜膜包住放冰箱松弛30分钟

5. 松弛后再用擀面杖擀轻轻拍打变微长,然后擀成长方形再折成四折(第2次四折)

6. 第2次四折后用擀面杖擀成长方形,把一边的面皮折到中线部分,再将另一边面皮折盖在上面,1次三折,折好后用保鲜膜包住放冰箱松弛20分钟。中途面皮上如果有气泡出现用牙签戳个小洞然后用手指抹一下即可。侧面不可用手碰,小心把层次挰没。


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